Little Miss Olivia was adorable. She is 21 days new. That is a first for me. Newborn baby photos are usually best taken at no more than 14 days old. She did put up a good fight, in terms of wanting to sleep. By 3 hours in, I was starting to wonder if she should fall asleep. But I held out enough hope and she gave in. When she finally closed her eyes and seemed settled, I was a flurry of activity with my camera and outfits, headbands, and everything. Trying very hard not to be a perfectionist with hands, or feet since I was scared of waking her.
I love being able to capture newborn babies as this stage is so fleeting. They grow so very fast in the first few months. But the squishy-ness that is a newborn, make it so fun to create poses that they remind them of being all secure for those long 10 months.
The neutral tones are becoming something that I love doing. I love the natural and monotone feel that comes from ivory or blush. I plan on doing more of my newborns in a neutral and classic look and really making it my own style.
Little Miss O was one of my favorites. I think that often, right after editing a newborn photo session. I can’t wait for my next newborn photo shoot.