Large family holiday photoshoot | The R Sisters and families.

Large family holiday photoshoot
Looking for ideas on what to wear for Christmas family photos for your little girl? check out this blog postHoliday family pictures in South Jersey by Karrie Davis PhotographyPhoto of adorable girl during her family photos for christmas Cute ideas for what boys should wear for holiday pictures? Sweater vest and newbie hat by  Janie + JackLarge family holiday photoshoot by Karrie Davis Photography, located in Cape May NJBeige and gray colors for holiday pictures make a great neutral combo for photos that can be used all year roundI love capturing all the madness that comes with a large family photo shoot. And trying to wrangle all the kiddies for a big family shot requires a lot of silly faces and some good old Photoshop.  Sometimes the parents are the ones that I need to make sure stay smiling the good smiles and keep looking at me. So parents no matter what keep looking at the photographer and I will capture your kid’s attention.

The outfits on these families were adorable.  The kids were outfitted through Janie + Jack. I mean the newies hat with the sweater is perfection on the little boyo and riding pants and sweater combo for the littlest one is just adorable!!

Most people think that holidays require red and green. But this neutral theme is classic and stylish and perfect for the holidays.

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