The J Family | Ocean City NJ Family Beach Photos
Ocean City NJ family beach photos featuring the J Family are a favorite part of my job. We have the best beaches in New Jersey. Everyone loves the natural setting that the beach allows for photos. Ocean City‘s north end is one of my favorite photo session spots. The dunes have gorgeous dune grass with fencing, the pathways are scenic for group shots, and the lighting of the setting sun provides gorgeous highlights on faces and hair. And the ocean waves provide the backdrop and entertainment for the kids. It’s just hard trying to keep them from going in before the session is over.
This family did not disappoint in bringing the smiles and the silliness. We flexed and finessed our way into grins and smiles. Besides being a beautiful family, they came dressed to impress. I love when families coordinate outfits without looking too uniform. Every little girl loves a dress, and boys in a polo–you can never go wrong!
I love to let mom and dad get silly too! Plus sneaky tickles are a sure fire way to get a smile. Lollipops work too, but almost everytime, kid who smile really good get ice cream after all the smiles. They earn it for sure. So do I!
If you are going to be down at the beach this summer, contact me to capture your family. Summer is almost here, and my dates are limited.